Wednesday, October 1, 2008

No, I'm not Larry Craig

Cooper is getting better and better at so many things, it is hard to know where to start. For one thing, he can now stand up using anything vertical- even a glass door or the wall is something he can use to stand. He also has learned how to sit back down, which is nice because it has cut down on the fall-and-scream pattern we had for about a week. Lastly, he somehow figured out how to kneel recently. Now, he sometimes goes from standing to kneeling, and he can kneel completely unassisted.

He also can transition from crawling to sitting, sitting to standing, crawling to standing, and standing to anything else. Which essentially means that he can now get from point A to point B in any situation he pleases.

And yes, I've been doing a lot of baby proofing. Oh, and did I mention he can now "walk" if we hold his hands? Yikes!

My trip to DC went really well on the home front. Cooper gave up his bottle-strike in favor of actually eating something, and he was generally in good spirits while I was gone. It was great to get updates from home like, "He ate 8oz and just fell asleep a few minutes ago." Awesome. He wasn't perfect, but Matt survived and our multiple friends that did a few hours of baby sitting while Matt was in class all reported that he was a good kid.

I did not appreciate pumping for two and a half days straight, but it didn't kill me. Pumping in the Minneapolis Airport restrooms was particularly challenging and bizarre, and all I could think of was Senator Larry Craig. I'm quite happy that nobody called the airport police on the crazy person using some kind of loud suction device in the handicapped stall... that would be me... oh the things we do for our kids. There I was, dumping 10oz of fresh hot boob juice in the toilet.

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