Sunday, May 4, 2008

My giant baby

OK, Cooper isn't THAT big. But he's a big kid. People often guess his age as several months older then he is, and when I put him next to babies his age he is almost always much, much larger. He fits a lot of his 6-9 and 6-12 sized clothing, and some of his 3-6 stuff doesn't look right anymore.

On Saturday I saw a cute baby and asked how old he was- he was 4 days younger then Cooper. He looked soooo small to me, and had these teensy weensy feet. Like TINY feet. This kid's feet must be what they manufacture most baby socks for! We had two sets of baby socks- one set of two pairs of smartwools (which are AWESOME and I highly recommend them) that fit really nicely, and one set of three pairs of cute fuzzy cotton baby socks.

When Cooper was a few days old, I put the cotton socks on him. They were too small.

Note to everyone who ever wants to give anyone a baby gift- buy big. Not tiny. All babies grow (fast)!

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