Wednesday, May 14, 2008

May update

Updates on currently burning questions;

How is your rash?

The evil post-partum rash is on its way out. After two courses of steroids and a whole lot of anti-histamines, it seems to now be simply going away on its own. Slow but steady improvements. Thank god.

Is his hair red or what?

Independent opinions of strangers concur with our general idea that his hair is reddish. The reddest part of his hair is at his temples, so in direct sunlight and wearing a hat he gets quite a few comments like, "ohh! he looks like he might be a redhead!" from admiring passerbys.

Eye color?
Still blue, getting bluer. No signs of hazel or green.

Still big?

So big. Official weigh-in tomorrow. Very exciting. He's almost outgrown his favorite socks, and I might need to break down and buy him a bigger pair soon.

Are you losing your hair yet?
Yes, but luckily I have such thick hair anyway that the only noticeable effect is a nasty shower drain.

Does he take a bottle?
No. This is becoming very frustrating. After an initially encouraging start, he is now on strike and won't drink a single ounce. It is demoralizing for Matt and frustrating for me.

How is work?
Good! I'll be going back full-time soon. While I'd sure love to wait longer that isn't financially feasible, so I'm glad I can work from home.

Any new skills?
Cooper is starting to roll over. He is fairly good at front to back, and pretty bad at back to front. But he has done both several times, and no longer can be trusted to remain on his stomach for more then a few minutes. He also has become a master of escaping a swaddle, so now we have to swaddle and also pin him down with another blanket, or use a sleep sack. Both are viable and safe options.

Has his baby acne gone away?
YES! Finally! Yeee haw!

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