Sunday, June 26, 2011

That's such a nice place

For some reason, the death of the lead saxophonist for the E Street band is a big conversation topic around here. Right before bed, Cooper and I had a deep discussion about it.

Cooper: The guy that played the saxophone died?
Me: Yeah, he died.
Cooper: What's he doing now?
Me: He's not doing anything. He's dead. Once you are dead, you don't do anything.
Cooper: Oh. People die. That guy died. That's very sad.
Me: Yes, but, people are saying nice things about him, so that makes it a little better.
Cooper: He's dead. So where did he go?
Me: Uhhh... well... when people die, usually they get buried deep under some dirt.
Cooper: Oh! That's such a nice place to be when you're dead!

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