Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Shrishmiss Tree

Oh Schrishmiss Tree, oh Schrishmiss tree, your needles are sooooo pointy.

Cooper's mispronunciation of Christmas is charming, and his delightfully innocent and clueless approach to the season is really fun. Matt and I are just not that into the whole buildup of presents, Santa, Rudolph, etc- so we've decided to just let Cooper do whatever he comes up with from his friends and peers at daycare. If he wants Rudolph, we'll know, and we'll do Rudolph.

So far, Cooper has informed us that "Shane has big socks with presents," which reminded me that I need to set out our stockings to keep up with expectation on that one. Cooper also randomly called Santa on the phone a few days ago, and when I asked him what he was talking to Santa about, he looked a tad puzzled and then said that Santa needs cookies and juice. Emphatically FIRST cookies, THEN juice, also. OK, so we're going to leave out some cookies and juice on Christmas Eve, it would seem.

Cooper also knows that we got some presents for his cousins, but I don't really know if he knows that he is also getting presents. I suppose it will be very exciting if he remains in the dark on that one until actual Schrishmiss morning.

Meanwhile, Grant has hardly even noticed the tree- partially because we set it up behind a couch so that Grant can't eat it or knock it over. He's too intent on practicing his walking (getting better!) and surprise attacking Cooper with vicious bear hugs and contagious giggles. Unfortunately, Grant has been having a really hard time sleeping lately, so that's been tough on Matt and I. But he's making up for it with good naps and lots of walking practice, so I think it will all pan out OK in the end.

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