Sunday, March 29, 2009

Birthday party success!

We had Cooper's make-up birthday party (he came down with a high fever on the morning of the first one that we had planned) and it was great! Cooper played with his toys, the adults chatted and hung out at the BBQ, and then we all ate cake. Well, almost all.

As suspected, Cooper utterly rejected his cupcake (he's become really picky most of the time) but I think I still got some good shots of him staring in horror at the single tiny birthday candle in it. He was wearing his super cute birthday boy shirt that Aunt Pam gave him, and ran around happily for about 3 out of 4 hours of his party. The last hour he got tired and cranky so Matt, Nicole and I took turns holding him to keep him happy. You know you have a nice babysitter when she voluntarily comes to your kid's birthday party, and even brings her very pleasant boyfriend.

We asked people not to bring gifts (both for them to save money, and because we don't need any more stuff) but one friend still got Cooper a really adorable little stuffed owl, and Nicole brought him an organic avocado with a bow on it. That is an inside joke between us, as avocado is one of Cooper's favorite foods and I offhandedly joked one day that I should ask all our guests to either bring avocados or frozen blueberries as gifts, because that is why Cooper would really want for his birthday. And frankly, that stuff is not cheap when you go through it as fast as we do.

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