Thursday, November 3, 2011

Things that rhyme with snake

Cooper's classroom is doing a unit on rhyming this week, which was helpful to know when Cooper randomly said...

C: Mom, You know what?
Me: What?
C: I like to wake and bake.
Me: (stifling a giggle) Those do rhyme, that's cool.
C: And Snake!

When we got to Grant's daycare, I shared this tidbit with the daycare manager and she laughed and immediately told me a hilarious story about a conversation with her five year old on Halloween, when he was having trouble figuring out a clasp on an odd piece of costume jewelry.

Son: I need a hooker.
Mom: Excuse me?
Son: I need to get this hooker on me.
Mom: You know, uhhh, that's not called a hooker. It is more like... hmmm... that's more like a joint on that bracelet. And could you ask your Dad for help, I'm kinda busy.
Son: OK! Hey Dad! I need a joint!

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