Saturday, February 21, 2009

Things are "good"

Cooper's second word that he uses according to its meaning (unlike Mama and Dada, which still seem quite unassigned to me and Matt) is "good." We are learning a lot about what Cooper appreciates by what he designates as "good."

Bread cubes soaked in prune juice are good. Blueberries are good. Peas are good. My cell phone is good. Petting the doggie is good. Pretending to eat ice cream is good. Basically, anything he considers enjoyable, but of course he sometimes surprises me with what that exactly encompasses. Like my glasses- stealing my glasses off my face is good. Playing with a block in the early morning sunshine is good. Watching the chickens is good.

Might I add, we don't know how long he's been saying this, because it took us a long while to understand him. He doesn't say good like "goo-dah" or anything. He says "oo-deh." Only after you hear him say it a hundred times, usually when he is smiling, all of a sudden it dawns on you that he's saying "good."

Now that we've decoded this, it is very fun. I give him a nice squishy blueberry and say, "Cooper, is that good?" And he smiles at me, eats it, and says "oo-deh!" proudly.

"Cooper, do you like peas?" "ooo-deh!"

Swipes my glasses off my face as I am putting him in the car seat. Sticks them in his mouth, proudly/mischeiviously looks at me, and says... Oooo-deh!

What interests me is that he can say the G sound pretty well, but he does not use it to say good. I don't know why that is. I sort of wish I was a linguistics specialist right now, as his decisions on when to use sounds fascinate me. When he is really, really upset, sometimes he'll cry ma-ma-ma over and over again. But he never calls me Mama in any context that'd you'd expect. Is that a conscious decision? Or does he just not take my name in vain?

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Eleanor can pronounce a "k" sound just fine, but insists on calling cups "bup".